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Each api rules can be used in a chainable or individual way.


Currently, ng add does not provide a way to choose which project you want a schematic to be used on.
To provide such an option you will have to declare the following project property, inside your schema.json file:

"project": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the project.",
"$default": {
"$source": "projectName"

Users will then be able to provide a project along your schematic installation:
(and if they do not, the default provider will populate the project option based on the inferred project from the cwd)

ng add YourSchematic --project ProjectName

Chainable usage


Allow you to act at the workspace level.

import { schematic, workspace } from '@hug/ngx-schematics-utilities';
import { Rule } from '@angular-devkit/schematics';

export default (options: any): Rule =>
schematic('my-schematic', [
.spawn('ng', ['add', '@angular/material', '--skip-confirmation'])
.logInfo('Doing some cool stuff')
.isAngularVersion('<= 11', (): Rule => {
], options);


Allow you to act at a project level and make sure the specified project is an application.


__SRC__ will be interpolated with sourceRoot specified in the project's angular.json file.
__OUTPUT__ will be interpolated with outputPath specified in the project's angular.json file.
__MAIN__ will be interpolated with browser or main specified in the project's angular.json file.
__CONFIG__ will be interpolated with the project's config file path (for standalone only).

import { application, ChainableApplicationContext, createOrUpdateFile, schematic } from '@hug/ngx-schematics-utilities';
import { Rule } from '@angular-devkit/schematics';

export default (options: any): Rule =>
schematic('my-schematic', [
.addProviderToBootstrapApplication('__MAIN__', 'provideAnimations()', '@angular/platform-browser/animations'),
.addImportToFile('__SRC__/file.ts', 'environment', './environments/environment')
.rule(({ project }: ChainableApplicationContext) => {
return createOrUpdateFile(project.pathFromRoot(''),;
], options);


Allow you to act at a project level and make sure the specified project is a library.


__SRC__ will be interpolated with the project sourceRoot specified in the angular.json file.

import { library, schematic } from '@hug/ngx-schematics-utilities';
import { Rule } from '@angular-devkit/schematics';

export default (options: any): Rule =>
schematic('my-schematic', [
.downloadFile('', '__SRC__/assets/icons/icon.png')
], options);

Individual usage


When used this way all the paths will be relative to the root of the workspace.
You will have to make sure any modifications on a project are made in a generic way.
To help you with that, the getProjectFromWorkspace() helper is a good start.

import { addImportToFile, addPackageJsonDevDependencies, getProjectFromWorkspace, modifyJsonFile, packageInstallTask, schematic, rule, renameFile } from '@hug/ngx-schematics-utilities';
import { Rule, Tree, chain, noop } from '@angular-devkit/schematics';

export default async (options: any): Rule => {
async (tree: Tree): Promise<Rule> => {
const project = await getProjectFromWorkspace(tree, options.project);
return schematic('my-schematic', [
modifyJsonFile('tsconfig.json', ['compilerOptions', 'strict'], true),

addImportToFile(project.pathFromSourceRoot('main.ts'), 'environment', './environments/environment'),

rule((tree, context): Rule => {
... return renameFile('old-file', 'new-file');
... return chain([]);
... return noop();

], options);