Each api rules can be used in a chainable or individual way.
Currently, ng add
does not provide a way to choose which project you want a schematic to be used on.
To provide such an option you will have to declare the following project
property, inside your schema.json
"project": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the project.",
"$default": {
"$source": "projectName"
Users will then be able to provide a project
along your schematic installation:
(and if they do not, the default provider will populate the project option based on the inferred project from the cwd)
ng add YourSchematic --project ProjectName
Chainable usage
Allow you to act at the workspace level.
import { schematic, workspace } from '@hug/ngx-schematics-utilities';
import { Rule } from '@angular-devkit/schematics';
export default (options: any): Rule =>
schematic('my-schematic', [
.spawn('ng', ['add', '@angular/material', '--skip-confirmation'])
.logInfo('Doing some cool stuff')
.isAngularVersion('<= 11', (): Rule => {
], options);
Allow you to act at a project level and make sure the specified project is an application.
will be interpolated with sourceRoot specified in the project's angular.json file.
will be interpolated with outputPath specified in the project's angular.json file.
will be interpolated with assetsPath (if found, either /public or /src/assets).
will be interpolated with browser or main specified in the project's angular.json file.
will be interpolated with the project's config file path (for standalone only).
import { application, ChainableApplicationContext, createOrUpdateFile, schematic } from '@hug/ngx-schematics-utilities';
import { Rule } from '@angular-devkit/schematics';
export default (options: any): Rule =>
schematic('my-schematic', [
.addProviderToBootstrapApplication('__MAIN__', 'provideAnimations()', '@angular/platform-browser/animations'),
.addImportToFile('__SRC__/file.ts', 'environment', './environments/environment')
.rule(({ project }: ChainableApplicationContext) => {
return createOrUpdateFile(project.pathFromRoot(''),;
], options);
Allow you to act at a project level and make sure the specified project is a library.
will be interpolated with the project sourceRoot specified in the angular.json file.
import { library, schematic } from '@hug/ngx-schematics-utilities';
import { Rule } from '@angular-devkit/schematics';
export default (options: any): Rule =>
schematic('my-schematic', [
.downloadFile('', '__SRC__/assets/icons/icon.png')
], options);
Individual usage
When used this way all the paths will be relative to the root of the workspace.
You will have to make sure any modifications on a project are made in a generic way.
To help you with that, the getProjectFromWorkspace() helper is a good start.
import { addImportToFile, addPackageJsonDevDependencies, getProjectFromWorkspace, modifyJsonFile, packageInstallTask, schematic, rule, renameFile } from '@hug/ngx-schematics-utilities';
import { Rule, Tree, chain, noop } from '@angular-devkit/schematics';
export default async (options: any): Rule => {
async (tree: Tree): Promise<Rule> => {
const project = await getProjectFromWorkspace(tree, options.project);
return schematic('my-schematic', [
modifyJsonFile('tsconfig.json', ['compilerOptions', 'strict'], true),
addImportToFile(project.pathFromSourceRoot('main.ts'), 'environment', './environments/environment'),
rule((tree, context): Rule => {
... return renameFile('old-file', 'new-file');
... return chain([]);
... return noop();
], options);